Hi, I am Marco

Marco Mounir

Data Scientist

I analyze data to understand the world around me. I speak for numbers and imbue them with meaning. I also enjoy having deep enlightening conversations with influential people on my podcast “Hayah AKtar”.

Team Work
Hard Working
Fast Learner
Problem Solving


Blog RESTful Web Service

Implemented an API with different endpoints for creating new posts, and displaying users posts. Added user login functionality and user authentication using Json Web Tokens (JWT).

A Full Featured Blog Website

Added the functionality for allowing users to create, view, update, and delete blog posts. Designed different website pages making use of template inheritance.

Customer Segmentation & Cohort Analysis For Uk-based non-store Online Retail

Created customer segments for a UK-based non-store online retails using Recency, Frequency, and Monetary segments.

Who will make a donation?

Constructed a model that accurately predicts whether an individual makes more than $50,000. Individuals making more than $50k are more likely to donate to Charity.

The State of World Happiness in 2019

Happiness is what we seek. It makes sense to understand what are the factors that affect the state of happiness all over the world. In this project, I try answering this question by working on the data provided by “The World Happiness Report”.

Detecting Pneumonia Using PyTorch and Fastai

Built a model that accurately predicts whether an individual has Pneumonia by looking at his Chest X-ray images.

Exploratory Data Analysis for House Prices Dataset

Exploratory Data Analysis for features that influence house prices.

Conference RESTful Web Service

Designed and implemented an API that can handle different HTTP requests and connects with the project’s database hosted in a docker container.

Language Identification Web Service

Built an API that can classify sentences into 22 different languages with accuracy of 98.5%.

Telco Customer Churn | Kaggle Competition

Built a high accuracy model that can predict customer churn based on the customer’s information.

Bluebook for Bulldozers | Kaggle Competition

Created a model that predicts auction sale prices for Bulldozers. My model’s score lands in the top 1% of the competition’s Leaderboard.

Arvato Customer Segmentation

Applied unsupervised learning techniques to identify segments of the population that form the core customer base for AZDIAS company in Germany.




Founder and Podcast Host

Sep 2019 - Apr 2020, Cairo

Carawan is a leading podcast network in Egypt. It produces “Hayah Aktar” podcast, which is one of the most listened to podcasts in the Arab world.

  • The host of ​ Hayah Aktar ​ podcast. ​ Hayah Aktar ​ is a leading Egyptian Podcast and one of the most listened to podcasts in the Arab World.
  • Interviewed more than 50 of the most influential entrepreneurs in Egypt.
  • Audio editing, mixing, and mastering for podcast episodes.


Aug 2015 - July 2018, Cairo

Increase is my first startup that worked in the field of training and development. We were liscenced to deliver “Thinking Into Results”, one of the leading peak performance coaching programs in the world.

  • Crafted and delivered training sessions to our customers.
  • Written articles for Increase’s blog and managed our weekly newsletter.
  • Optimized Increase’s website for Search Engines (SEO) and did keyword research.
  • Maintained Social Media Content development for our digital accounts.


Top Podcast in Egypt
